Races of The Seven Kingdoms

Character Templates

The following lists shows the number of dice for Attributes, the dice for Skills and the minimum/maximum number of dice that can be assigned to each attribute. Each race starts with the equipment listed in the Talislanta core book and the must take one or more Magic Order(s) listed. The lists defines the number of dice for Attributes, the dice for Skills and the minimum/maximum number of dice that can be assigned to each attribute. Each race starts with the equipment listed in the core book and the must take one or more Magic Order(s) as shown in the Talislanta core book.

Att Dice: 11 Skill Dice: 4
Might: 1/2+2 Agility: 1/4+2
Wit: 1/4+2 Charm: 1/4+1
Perks: Natural Telempathy, Limited Flight
Magic: Natural Magic
Modes: 3 of choice

Att Dice: 11 Skill Dice: 7
Might: 1/4 Agility: 1/4
Wit: 1/4+1 Charm: 1/3+2
Magic: 1 of choice
Modes: 4 of choice

Att Dice: 11 Skill Dice: 7
Might: 1/3+2 Agility: 1/3+2
Wit: 1/4+1 Charm: 1/3+2
Perks: Natural Telempathy, Limited Flight
Magic: Wizardry
Modes: 4 of choice

Att Dice: 12 Skill Dice: 6
Might: 1/4 Agility: 1/5
Wit: 1/4 Charm: 1/4+1
Perks: Night Vision, Climbing
Complication: Poor Day Vision
Magic: Crystalomancy
Modes: 6 of choice

Att Dice: 11 Skill Dice: 9
Might: 1/3+1 Agility: 1/4
Wit: 1/4+2 Charm: 1/3+1
Magic: Cryptomancy
Modes: 5 of choice

Att Dice: 12 Skill Dice: 6
Might: 1/3+1 Agility: 1/3+2
Wit: 1/5+2 Charm: 1/3+2
Perks: Dual-Encephalon
Magic: None

Att Dice: 10 Skill Dice: 6
Might: 1/3+1 Agility: 1/3+2
Wit: 1/5 Charm: 1/3+1
Complication: Bad Mood
Magic: None

Att Dice: 12 Skill Dice: 7
Might: 1/5 Agility: 1/4+1
Wit: 1/2+2 Charm: 1/3+2
Complication: No Magic Understanding
Magic: None

Blue Aeriad
Att Dice: 11 Skill Dice: 6
Might: 1/3+1 Agility: 1/5
Wit: 1/3+2 Charm: 1/3+1
Perks: Gliding
Magic: None

Green Aeriad
Att Dice: 10 Skill Dice: 7
Might: 1/2+2 Agility: 1/4+1
Wit: 1/4+2 Charm: 1/3+2
Perks: Gliding
Magic: None

Att Dice: 11 Skill Dice: 6
Might: 1/3+1 Agility: 1/3+2
Wit: 1/4+2 Charm: 1/4+2
Perks: Natural Telempathy, Limited Flight
Magic: Natural Magic
Modes: 1 of choice

Design Notes
This was the hardest part of the character creation to figure out. In Talislanta, unlike other point buying games, the starting characters are far from balanced. I looked at the archetypes attributes and skills. Each Race becomes a character template they must choose at character creation and unlike Talislanta at least they have some say, within limits, how that character is built.


Author: Pete Jones

The Welsh Savage

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