Races of The Seven Kingdoms

Character Templates

The following lists shows the number of dice for Attributes, the dice for Skills and the minimum/maximum number of dice that can be assigned to each attribute. Each race starts with the equipment listed in the Talislanta core book and the must take one or more Magic Order(s) listed. The lists defines the number of dice for Attributes, the dice for Skills and the minimum/maximum number of dice that can be assigned to each attribute. Each race starts with the equipment listed in the core book and the must take one or more Magic Order(s) as shown in the Talislanta core book.

Att Dice: 11 Skill Dice: 4
Might: 1/2+2 Agility: 1/4+2
Wit: 1/4+2 Charm: 1/4+1
Perks: Natural Telempathy, Limited Flight
Magic: Natural Magic
Modes: 3 of choice

Att Dice: 11 Skill Dice: 7
Might: 1/4 Agility: 1/4
Wit: 1/4+1 Charm: 1/3+2
Magic: 1 of choice
Modes: 4 of choice

Att Dice: 11 Skill Dice: 7
Might: 1/3+2 Agility: 1/3+2
Wit: 1/4+1 Charm: 1/3+2
Perks: Natural Telempathy, Limited Flight
Magic: Wizardry
Modes: 4 of choice

Att Dice: 12 Skill Dice: 6
Might: 1/4 Agility: 1/5
Wit: 1/4 Charm: 1/4+1
Perks: Night Vision, Climbing
Complication: Poor Day Vision
Magic: Crystalomancy
Modes: 6 of choice

Att Dice: 11 Skill Dice: 9
Might: 1/3+1 Agility: 1/4
Wit: 1/4+2 Charm: 1/3+1
Magic: Cryptomancy
Modes: 5 of choice

Att Dice: 12 Skill Dice: 6
Might: 1/3+1 Agility: 1/3+2
Wit: 1/5+2 Charm: 1/3+2
Perks: Dual-Encephalon
Magic: None

Att Dice: 10 Skill Dice: 6
Might: 1/3+1 Agility: 1/3+2
Wit: 1/5 Charm: 1/3+1
Complication: Bad Mood
Magic: None

Att Dice: 12 Skill Dice: 7
Might: 1/5 Agility: 1/4+1
Wit: 1/2+2 Charm: 1/3+2
Complication: No Magic Understanding
Magic: None

Blue Aeriad
Att Dice: 11 Skill Dice: 6
Might: 1/3+1 Agility: 1/5
Wit: 1/3+2 Charm: 1/3+1
Perks: Gliding
Magic: None

Green Aeriad
Att Dice: 10 Skill Dice: 7
Might: 1/2+2 Agility: 1/4+1
Wit: 1/4+2 Charm: 1/3+2
Perks: Gliding
Magic: None

Att Dice: 11 Skill Dice: 6
Might: 1/3+1 Agility: 1/3+2
Wit: 1/4+2 Charm: 1/4+2
Perks: Natural Telempathy, Limited Flight
Magic: Natural Magic
Modes: 1 of choice

Design Notes
This was the hardest part of the character creation to figure out. In Talislanta, unlike other point buying games, the starting characters are far from balanced. I looked at the archetypes attributes and skills. Each Race becomes a character template they must choose at character creation and unlike Talislanta at least they have some say, within limits, how that character is built.


Attributes and Skills

Setting choices

The difference between the d20 system used in Talislanta and the d6 system is so big it was never going to work as a one-to-one conversion. I decided that the way I was going to do this was for MiniSix to give the same feel as Talislanta so sacrifices and omissions would have to be made.

The following Attributes and Skills are used in this setting.

Skill List

Might: Axe*, Blunt*, Brawling*, Knife*, Lift, Pole Arm*, Stamina, Sword*
Agility: Athletics, Bow*, Crossbow*, Dodge*, Pickpocket, Pilot, Sailing, Stealth, Throwing*
Wit: Crafts, History, Language, Lore, Magic^, Medicine, Pick Locks, Repair, Search, Survival, Tracking
Charm: Barter, Command, Diplomacy, Persuasion, Riding, Seduce, Streetwise

* indicates a combat skill that cannot be specialised.
^ Unless the Esoteric Perk Magic is taken this skill is 0D.

The Barebones edition uses 12 dice to distribute between the attributes and 7 dice to spread amongst the skills. Talislanta does not have humans with the players choosing an Archetype of one of the races.

In this conversion at Character Creation you first have to choose a Race. This will determine how many Attribute dice you get to spend (the average is 12D) and how many Skill dice to spend (the average is 7D). Some races come with Perks and Complications.

As there are so many races in The Big Blue Book this conversion will start with races (and Bestiary) from The Seven Kingdoms.

Converting Talislanta to MiniSix

The backround behind this project

Talislanta RPG was first released in 1987 and was one of the first games to use a d20 system. To date there have been five Editions, a d20 version and a 10th Anniversary edition;  my personal preference is the 4th Edition, which is also known as the Big Blue Book.


The background information and setting is very comprehensive and different from many Fantasy settings. There are no Human races and for years it was advertised with the tagline “and no Elves”.

I wanted to use the setting but my players did not want to learn another “system” so the task was to convert it to one of the systems they were used to and MiniSix seemed like the obvious choice with it’s Cinematic System